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First Adult Egyptian Vulture Tagged in Uzbekistan

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Sofia_egyptian vulture

The field team in Uzbekistan, Anya, Valya, Vladimir and Dobromir, have successfully caught a 5 year old Egyptian Vulture adult female. They caught her on a dump site near the town of Kitab. The dump site had almost 200 vultures visiting it.

Kitab Dump Site being surveyed in Uzbekistan.

The female was caught this morning, 29 July 2022, and had an Ornitela GSM 30g solar powered GPS attached using a backpack harness. The team gave her the name, Sofia.

Sofia, the 5 year old Egyptian Vulture female. The first adult EV to be tagged in Central Asia.

The birds we tagged in 2021 were all juveniles in the nest. EVs take several years to reach adulthood and establish they migration patterns. So catching and tagging adults can give us new information on the movements, requirements and threats faced by EVs. We look forward to seeing what new information Sofia will give us in the coming years.

Vladimir (middle) holding Sofia, with Dobromir (right) and Anna (left).
Vladimir releasing Sofia.

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